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Course Information

Pdf.png Download 2008 syllabus for PH320

Instructor: John Scales. MH 339.

TA: Jared Peacock. MH 339.

  • Office hours (subject to change, so always look here for the current schedule):
Monday:  9-10
Wednesday: 2:30-3:30
Thursday: 2-3
  • In addition, there will be a weekly help session on Tuesday Morning at 8:00 in a room TBD.
  • You're welcome to come to my office any time. The door is almost always open. If I'm not there, likely Jared will be,

or Dr. Brian Zadler. If you need to talk and can't find me, just send me an email:

  • There will be weekly homeworks, three one-hour exams throughout the semester and a two hour final. Each of these components will count for one-third of your grade: i.e., 1/3 HW, 1/3 hourlies, 1/3 final. The grading scale will be: 90 and above, A. 80-89, B. 70-79 C. 55-69 D.
  • Homeworks will be assigned on Wednesdays and due on the Thursday 8 days later. You must turn the HW's in to Jared Peacock, who is the TA for this class. You can do that by 1) handing them to Jared, 2) putting them in his mailbox in the Physics Office, or 3) putting them in the "in-box" on our door (MH 339).
  • With rare exceptions, I will post the day's lecture notes immediately after class. Hence, if you miss class, I expect you get whatever information you need from the wiki or from your classmates.
  • Finally, note that this is a 4 credit hour course. Hence classes are 65 minutes long. This makes for a long session. I'll do what

I can to break things up. In particular, I try to include some diversion at the end, frequently an application of quantum mechanics from the current research literature.


Here is a link to Amazon for the new book for 2008

Tentative Exam Schedule:

Exam 1, February 6.  Exam 2, March 6.  Exam 3, April 9.  All these will be nominally 1 hour exams but you will have more  time than that and they will be in MH 220.  Exams will be close book except that you will be allowed to bring a one page  cheat sheet.

2008 Course Material

  • Homework 1. Chapter 1 in Griffiths. Read section 1.1 on the Schrödinger equation. 1.1 and 1.2 are fundamental but hard, we will come back to these ideas later, but it's a good overview of some modern ideas. Do problems 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 on page 12. Do problems 1.4 and 1.5 on page 14. These will be due on Thursday January 17 at the end of the day.

Since not all of you may have the book yet, for this first homework, I have scanned the relevant pages. here is the link to the pdf file. You must have the book though, so if you have not ordered it or bought from the bookstore, please do so ASAP.

lecture notes by week

week of 1/11/08

week of 1/14/08

Old Course Material

Spring 2008 note: You can ignore this if you want. You may find useful tidbits here, but the book we are using now is rather different than the one used below.

Evolution of Wavepackets (02/10/06)

Overview of Chapter 3 (02/24/06)

Operators, Observables, and Measurment (02/24/06)

Measurements and Eigenstates (02/27/06)

More on Eigenfunctions and Measurements (3/1/06)

Scattering From and Tunneling Through Potential Barriers (3/3/06)

Exam 1 Overview (3/6/06)

Probability Currents (3/6/06) with a digression on optical lattices

Square Well Potentials (3/8/06) finite, infinite and a comparison with the classical situation

More on Square Wells and Review for Monday's Exam ndamental problem (3/17/06)

Harmonic oscillators (3/27/06)

Exam 2 overview (3/29/06)

Classical vs quantum harmonic oscillator. Correspondance principle (3/31/06)

Two state systems: the ammonia molecule (4/3/04)

Overview of Chapter 5 (4/5/06)

4/7/06 no class--edays

The ammonia Maser (4/10/06)

4/14/06 Exam 3

4/17/06 PDF lecture notes

4/19/06 PDF lecture notes

4/21/06 PDF lecture notes

Pdf.png Download separation of variables of the Laplacian 4/21/06

nice spherical harmonics page from Mathworld

Mathematica.png Download manipulating spherical harmonics in mathematica.

4/26/06 PDF lecture notes on series solutions of ODEs

Pdf.png Download PDF lecture notes from 4/28/06

coherent states versus number (harmonic oscillator) states (5/1/06)


2/26/06 Millimeter Waves

3/1/06 The Wacky World of Quantum Computing

3/3/06 Applications of Quantum Tunneling

3/6/06 amazingly beautiful experiments on quantum computing using Josephson junctions and microwave circuits.

3/15/06 quantum well heterostructures, photonic crystals heterostructure laser diodes

3/29/06 measuring the spring constant of a single polymer chain

Course Downloads

Mathematica.png Download Gaussian wavepackets You can animate this and see the evolution of the phase with time.

test 1 answers (2/27/06)

a review of Fourier series (posted 3/10/06)

sample questions for exam 3 (posted 4/13/06)

Course Links

Scales' web page

TICC Course Forum

PhET (A CU website with many excellent demos for physics.)

Jerry Gilfoyle's very nice Mathematica notebooks on QM

Personal tools