How much does a web site Cost?

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At this popular question there is no precise answer. Each website is unique and therefore as such its price too. What I can say is that a basic website does not cost less than $2000. Under basic I’m referring on a simple page with information about your business, news, and contact page. These pages appear small, but with well done web design these few pages can attract enormous attention. Now someone will say, and I saw sites for $200 or my neighbor's son can make a web site for $500. Of course, all these claims are true, but how will these sites look like do not need any explanation. Further in the article you will understand why a web site cannot cost $200. You Have another popular option, there are finished web design templates that you can buy for a dollar. They may look great but have one major drawback, which is the same web design can be found on million other web sites. What kind of an opinion will the customer have about your business when He realizes that His page is identical to the competition or to a company that produces a fertilizer in Alabama. I’ve specified a minimum of $2,000 speaking from my own personal experience and the experience of other colleagues. Just the assumed basic price tells about the efforts required to develop a Web site. The process starts with gathering the required materials, a study of the client's business, and an insight into his approach to the market and target groups of visitors. Then moving to visualization of a website by following the basic rules of Web usability, in order to achieve the desired effect and functionality in presenting the business of the client. Once this part is completed and the design is approved by the client the web designer can precede with generating the code for the web site. There are lots of rules that a trained degree in web design graduate should apply. Proper use of technology, web design, rolled in web code in accordance with web standards, compatibility with many types of web browsers and of course the basic SEO. By using the technology of making a valid web page I refer to proper use of HTML tags. Today, web sites does not work the same way as they were done ten years ago. As technology is advancing, so the process of making web pages is. For example, ten years ago we all created web sites using tables, and today websites are builded with layers. Unfortunately today there are geniuses who are still creating web sites in tables but this is not our problem. This usage of tables is really ridiculous in this day, but is a fact that some studios are still using the tables in their works. If you take into account the above-mentioned process and time needed to create professional web site, how then can it cost $200? The answer is simple, no way! Such sites are made by a ready, or a bit processed on the principle of insert image / text, and you get a web page. I think that no one need such negative advertising in this medium, large positive. We say positive because a good voice can be heard far and, therefore, your business success! Of course, there are exceptions. These exceptions are carefully planned marketing tricks. I remember an old motto said by the people from marketing, any advertising is good even if it was bad, you could apply this on a website. The situation could be next. Someone makes a really bad web site with real content and start advertising the same in the media. They begin to critique the website and its reputation is discussed through the forums / blogs / journals. Site receives more visitors because everyone wants to see the ugliness of what everyone is talking about. The crowd was obtained and then after reaching effect sets the right professional-looking site with an explanation of the marketing trick... So much about the cost of making a website and I hope that you’ve learned how to be a little more careful, at least in this wonderful medium.

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