Motorola XYBOARD

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I have a brand new Motorola XYBOARD 10.1 and the update won't work!

You need to install an app, any app, just install something.

Updating a Motorola XYBOARD manually

We have 50 Motorola XYBOARD slates and it takes forever to update them, so we figured out how to do it manually.

  • You need to root a device with the update downloaded but not installed (we have not yet found a way to do this without rooting it)
  • You need to root all the devices you plan on installing the update (again, we have not yet found a way to do this without rooting it)
  • You can use SSHDroid to copy the update off the source tablet. We copied two files (we don't know if the CRC file is needed, probably not - it appears to update the CRC code as it downloads):
  • You can use the ADB (Android Debug Bridge) to copy these files into the cache folder of the destination devices - but you can't copy them directly to the /cache folder. Unfortunately, you also can't move the file between different disks on the system either, so you have do do something like this:
adb push /data/local/
adb shell "su -c 'cp /data/local/ /cache/'"
adb shell "su -c 'rm /data/local/'"
  • Now you need to tell the andoid where the update is located, you can do this by storing the file's location in the "/cache/recovery/command" file:
  • After that it's just a matter of rebooting the device into recovery mode:
adb reboot recovery

Installing additional applications

Installing applications is easy and doesn't require root privileges (too bad that using signed offical updates doesn't work that way!). An easy example is installing our little InkSurvey application for launching directly to our website (download):

adb install inksurvey.apk
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